Limit magento static-content build to specific theme(s) on magento-actions | hyva support

To limit magento-actions build to specific theme(s) use themes input.

  - name: 'launch magento2 build'
      id: build
      uses: MAD-I-T/magento-actions@v3.21
        COMPOSER_AUTH: ${{secrets.COMPOSER_AUTH}}
        process: 'build'
        themes: 'Vendor/custom-theme' # or themes: 'Vendor/Theme1,Vendor/Theme2'

Build by specific themes and locales (eg. NL and US)

  - name: 'launch magento2 build'
      id: build
      uses: MAD-I-T/magento-actions@v3.21
        COMPOSER_AUTH: ${{secrets.COMPOSER_AUTH}}
        process: 'build'
        themes: 'Vendor/custom-theme'
        langs: 'nl_NL,en_US'

The hyva based themes are automatically detected and built. Just don’t forget to add along with magento credentials, hyva composer credentials in the github variable ${{secrets.COMPOSER_AUTH}}

Example for COMPOSER_AUTH:

  1. Go to Settings>Secrets>Repository secrets
  2. Create variable COMPOSER_AUTH
  3. Add you composer auth as value e.g :
        {"http-basic":{"": {"username": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}}} 
  4. Use as follows COMPOSER_AUTH: ${{secrets.COMPOSER_AUTH}} in the action definition.